software engineering course at university of texas.
this week in my software engineering course we covered a number of topics including pair programming. we had to read three different texts, all of which extolled the practice, and we were assigned a project where we actually engaged in pair programming.
after all of this, i think the arguments fall short. if pair programming is as great as these sources claim, then why is it so rare in the industry? “but there are studies!” you say. “but, but… kent beck said so!” you cry. let’s check some of them against reality:
go into any sprint planning meeting and tell the project manager that you’re going to need two programmers for every feature instead of one. after you’re laughed out of the room, consider the perspective of of the business teams: they’ll see pair programming as cutting their technical teams’ manpower in half. you should know that it doesn’t matter if you think you’ll be more productive with pair programming; it matters that your team believes that is is a sound business decision. that means when you partner up, you need to ship twice as much as you would alone.
most of the benefits only apply to evenly matched programmers. a project may be completed 40% faster and more accurately, but if you’re doing correct pair programming, that’s relative to the lower skill level of the two. and 40% may seem like a big difference, but it pales in comparison to the potential disparity in skill level between programmers. think about it, when you’re building a team for a project, you wouldn’t put all of your rockstars on one team; you’re going to assign a range of talent levels. so the chances that a pair of developers working on the same project are close enough in skill to realize those benefits seems slim.
one of the most awesome things about a career in software development is that you can work from anywhere; you just need a laptop and an internet connection. it’s beyond flexible, and that’s a big part of why people love it. that goes out the window if you have to coordinate schedules with someone else. i would guess that one of the reasons pair programming is relatively uncommon is programmers just don’t want to sacrifice the flexibility.
don’t get me wrong, i really enjoyed working with my partner on the project. beyond that i think there are many cases where it’s completely appropriate for two developers to work together on the same problem. but on the whole i find it similar to dogmatically applying TDD or side-effect-free function programming: it just doesn’t seem grounded in reality.
in a perfect world, we’d always write our unit tests first, it’d be easy to find a job writing haskell, and we’d pair program everything (a gender-inclusive-bromance, if you will). but as long as i’m living here on earth, i’ll apply these principles with a grain of salt.
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